Our new flat roof

Thanks for our grant from Biffa Award, which is a multi- million pound fund that helps to build communities and transform lives by awarding grants to communities and environmental projects across the UK.
Alfriston Village Hall is a wonderful venue that hosts a wide variety of village clubs and societies, covering activities from the Art Group and the Horticultural Society to Yoga classes. The Alfriston Players stage their productions, including the hugely popular annual pantomime, at the Hall. Whether your club meets once a week, once a month or once a year, the Hall provides you with the perfect venue.
Key information for Clubs & Societies
Adaptable space for 12-150 people
Disabled access
Use of chairs and tables included
Fully equipped kitchen facilities
Excellent natural light
Versatile stage and lighting equipment
Free WiFi
Clubs & Societies
Alfriston Art Club started over 20 years ago. We are a very friendly club and meet on Monday afternoons between 1.30 pm - 4 pm. We have a varied programme and learn from one another. Several times a year we have all-day workshops with visiting professional artists. We cover a wide variety of different art mediums, such as watercolour, acrylic, oils, pastels, mixed media, charcoal, etc. If you are interested in joining the club, please come along on a Monday afternoon and join in or email Jan Firbank: alfristonClub4201@icloud.com. Alternatively, telephone 07484242623. We would be delighted to hear from you and new members are always welcome.

Alfriston Chair Exercise Group is a fabulous, strength, balance and cardiovascular class for older people and or people with specialist conditions, run by a specialist instructor with 30 years of experience teaching exercise classes. There is always time for coffee or socialising after class. All are welcome to come and just have a taster. Wednesday mornings 10 – 11 am. Contact me directly by email or leave a phone message if you have any questions. 07895705398 - Wadlowstephanie@gmail.com

A vintage photograph of Alfriston High Street from the Historical Society's archive
Alfriston & Cuckmere Valley Historical Society was established more than twenty years ago to promote the history of Alfriston and its neighbourhood, and to present topics of national and international historical interest. Examples of recent talks include “The Ouse Valley: Past Life and Times”, “The History of Pantomime” and “The History of Vaccination”, as well as a special presentation by Ms Alex Polizzi at the Star Hotel, Alfriston. Our acting chairman is Ian Chopra (01323 870488 - i.chopra@uwclub.net), and we have a small archive of local historical photographs and videos, which members are welcome to explore.
We hold meetings on a regular basis from March to December, including a mid-summer dinner and a Christmas social event. We are a friendly group and always welcome new members. Membership is £15/annum for an individual, and £25 for a couple. If you would like to join please contact our treasurer Hilary Rawlins (07745 875053 - hilary@rawlins.org.uk​), or just come along to one of our meetings.
To view our programme of upcoming Historical Society events, please click here.
Cuckmere Valley Horticultural Society is a thriving group of local people who are interested in gardens, design and gardening, raising plants and vegetables in gardens or on allotments, or who just like visiting or hearing about other people's gardens. Anyone can join. It’s open to all ages and abilities. You do not have to be an expert gardener to enjoy the benefits of the society, or even have a garden or allotment. A window box or just an interest in all things horticultural will do.
· We have an interesting programme of talks held in Alfriston War Memorial Hall
· Social events, e.g. coffee morning, outings, AGM and members' evening.
· Discounted seeds available from Suttons
· Loyalty card rewards at Tates Garden Centres
We have an Annual Summer Show when members are invited to exhibit their fruit, vegetables, plants and flowers in friendly, light-hearted competition. The show also includes homemade wine, flower arranging, painting, photographic exhibits, baking and preserves, so there’s something for everyone. Membership is just £5 per person p.a. (plus £2 per household extra towards the cost of postage if you live outside the Alfriston or Winton Street area where deliveries can be made by hand). You could save more than this on your first seed order! To join contact Anne Shaw on 01323 871283 or anne.shaw@hotmail.com, or for more information call Nicky Vassell on 01323 871995 or nicky.cvhs@gmail.com.

Alfriston Pilates. Flexibility and low-impact strengthening workouts to keep you fit, balanced and in control of your body. Classes are taken by Gail Crump, an experienced Pilates teacher and Osteopath – bringing clinical knowledge and expertise to your exercise. Classes for both men and women run on Thursday mornings 10 – 11 am. Please call Gail on 07710 701273 for more information. See you there!
The Alfriston Short Mat Bowling Club meets every Wednesday evening between 7.00 pm and 9.00 pm with an average "mat fee" paid annually equating to approximately £2.50 per evening. We now have a limited membership of twenty mixed-ability players, and beginners are very welcome to join. We are a friendly club and therefore new members should have no fears or inhibitions about how well they can play. If you would like to join our happy throng, contact Stuart Burr (Secretary) at stuartburr@btinternet.com or just come along on any Wednesday evening and have a go.

Alfriston & Cuckmere Valley Twinning Association. We are twinned with one of the most beautiful small villages in France, Veules-les-Roses, close to Dieppe in Normandy. We arrange group visits to and from Veules as well as other indoor and outdoor events over the year, usually with a French theme. No audition in French is necessary to join, just an interest in France and meeting French people! Call or email Michael at 01323870176 or michaeleija@hotmail.com.
The Alfriston Women's Institute has played an important role in village life since 1918. We have an entertaining programme of speakers and 'hands-on' craft demonstrations and outings (always involving a break for refreshments!) to local places of interest. We are a friendly group who always welcome new members – you do not have to make jam and there's rarely any singing, but we did sing "God Save the King" at the first meeting after the recent death of our dear Queen, a member of the WI since 1943. We usually meet on the third Tuesday of the month 2-4 p.m. in the War Memorial Hall from January to December (no meeting in August) but for full details see our programme here, on our Alfriston WI Village Noticeboard (next to the Village Shop) or our Facebook page www.facebook.com/AlfristonWI. If you would like to join us why not come along to an initial meeting and let us welcome you? Contact Gill Chopra (Secretary) at gill.chopra@uwclub.net or 01323 870488. If you are shy one of us can accompany you.

Yoga classes. After an intensive four year yoga training course with British Wheel of Yoga I have been teaching yoga for nearly twenty years. All classes are friendly, enjoyable and welcoming. Come and stretch out your stress and relax your mind. Join our weekly session of 75 minutes and treat yourself to the wonders of yoga. When you're ready, phone 01323 870035 or email phyllc@me.com.